Joel's Miracle II Blog

Thursday, October 09, 2003
More uses of M2 products
Hi everyone, here are 2 emails sent to me from Loren. He found more uses for M2 products. Take heed. ;) - Thanks so much Loren for sharing. - Pat ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi Pat,

You mentioned that if we as distributors found other uses for the M2 products, to let you know. As a new distributor, I am just now getting into everything.

I change the oil and filter on my car myself, when I unscrew the oil pan bolt, oil gets all over my hand. I used to use the Go-Jo petroleum based hand cleaner to clean my hands. No more, I just put about a teaspoon of M2 Soap on my hands, and work it in. I then wash my hands with water, and the oil comes right off. Also, I thought why not just rub the M2 Soap into my hands before doing any dirty job. The M2 Soap works like an invisible glove.

Another thing, I have read and heard, that the M2 Soap and/or M2 Neutralizer work as a natural insect repellent. We have just had a large infestation of a beetle here in Northern, MN. The beetle looks like a ladybug, far from it. One landed on my lip, and it has a very bitter taste to it. The beetle also bites similar to a mosquito bite.

I sprayed my door with M2 soap and water, they fell off the door. I then thought, why not spray the soap/water mixture on my face and arms. It did work for a while, but perhaps I should have added some neutralizer to the mix. I know that the M2 Soap and water kill off the spiders I have here.

Let me know if anyone else has used the M2 products for similar uses.


Hi Pat,

Yes, you may share my email with your email list. I forgot one other use that I tried Tuesday morning.

I thought that if M2 works so well in humans and animals, and can be used for all kinds of cleaning purposes, why not in the car also.

I recently changed antifreeze in my car, there was a slight leak somewhere in the cooling system, so I put some of the radiator stop leak in the system to stop the leak.

The stop leak plugged up the system so that when I started driving my car, the thermostat didn't work correctly. It would blow cold air, then warm air and back to cold air for about 15 minutes. The weather hasn't been cold here yet, so that wasn't any problem.

I decided to try M2 Soap and M2 Neutralizer in the radiator Tuesday, to see what would happen. I put 3 drops of M2 Soap, and 7 drops of the M2 Neutralizer in the radiator and added water. I ran the car with the radiator cap off for a time to get the air out. I then put the radiator cap on and started driving my car, the heater blew somewhat warm air and then the thermostat started working. The radiator stop leak had plugged up the thermostat.

I now have all kinds of heat coming through, so the M2 Soap and M2 Neutralizer work well as an engine's cooling system cleaner like they do on us. I will find more uses for M2. Oh yes, my landlady called LAF Miracle II today, she has become a preferred customer. My best to you Pat.


Thank you Lee for the following story. I believe it will help those who get ant bites or any other bites. - Pat

************************************************************************* Hi again Pat,

One recent episode I'll share is that I was watering in the back yard when I literally threw down the hose and yelped in pain - it Really HURT - a red ant had crawled up my leg and bitten me on my thigh. I immediately ran inside and saturated the bite with neutralizer and the pain was gone - like almost instantly. It left a red circle - puffy area of about 5 inches in diameter - yup, it was a doozy. I took a bath and then treated it with the gel and more neutralizer and the next day you could see where it was 'oozing'. Within 5 days you could hardly tell I'd been bitten.

Too, after our call last night I decided to finally try saturating some gauze (after bath, neutralizer and gel) with neutralizer and plop it on a large reddish lump which never seems to go away on my leg. I sealed it with some plastic wrap and lo and behold this morning it is unbelievably deminished. Looks just like a small white pimple ready to burst. So, I have a bandaid on it today soaked with neutralizer and I suspect this annoying lump thing will be totally gone by tomorrow. Just amazing.

When I've more time I'll share many, many more stories with you and everyone.

Fondly, Lee

Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Another great testimony from Jacque, the "horse lady"
I must tell you about our latest miracle here! Our newest rescue horse is a 14-year-old registered thoroughbred mare named Rocha. I've had her for about a month now. She came here because she had been diagnosed with an auto immune disease of some sort that the vets felt would be the end of her. "No cure" they said.

After evaluating her and her situation, I started her on the M2 soap and neutralizer internally, but only for a few weeks. I had the farrier come out and trim her at the end of the two weeks and she went lame on the front feet. We suspected that she was de-toxing out her front feet.

I took her off the soap and neutralizer and switched her to a major immune building diet that she needed to be on for about 10 days. (I never mix major things internally with the horses!) During this time she was walking slower and slower and about the 9th day, one morning, she could hardly walk. She would literally stumble across her pen. It was awful.

Below her knees, on all four legs she was swelling and had intermittent hot spots in the swelled areas. Both her right hooves were very stinky. She was actually detoxing out ALL four feet at the same time! (Whose immune system isn't working???)

I immediately rubbed the M2 soap onto all four legs below the knees. It was amazing that where there was heat, her body actually soaked in the soap and so, I added more to that site. Once the soap was applied, I then sprayed her legs with the neutralizer and added a poultice of Miracle Clay mixed with Neutralizer and packed that on her legs, especially concentrating on her 'hot spots.' Once this was done, I covered the leg with wax paper (to keep the poultice moist) and then loosely bandaged it on her leg. Each of her hooves I cleaned out thoroughly and then poured the soap straight on the bottom of the hoof, followed by spraying on the M2 spray mixture (1 oz soap/1oz neutralizer in a 32 oz spray bottle of water) I then packed the clay in her hoof, put a piece of cardboard, cut in a hoof shape and bandaged that loosely to the hoof. Once all four feet were done in this way, it was evident that it gave her immediate relief.

(I only needed to cover her feet in this manner for two days.) The very next morning, I checked all the bandages and unwrapped her legs and feet to see how she was doing and WOW, both her front legs had blown wide open in the exact same spot in the inside, below the knee. The yellow substance that drained from both legs was in such a large quantity that it had actually drained out the bandages and down the front of the hoof! She was immediately put on and still is on internal doses of Vitamin C and Colloidal Silver twice a day as well. She is now healing nicely and I expect that she will be a very fine horse for her new person. :)

I am grateful everyday for what we have available to us in the form of these M2 products.

Perfect Health and Blessings!
