The following are suggestions and reports from people who have used the Miracle II products. Neither Lafayette Miracle II nor the manufacturer make any health claims about the products or their use; all they claim is that they make good soap—and if you don’t think so after trying it, they will give you a full refund.


Here are a few points to bear in mind as you experiment:

·        Despite the extensive and growing anecdotal base, nobody can explain exactly how are why the products have the surprising effects that are reported.

·        These are concentrated products; a little goes a long way.

·        Many users of the products, especially of the Neutralizer products, report what are known as “detoxification effects”—various discomforts that result when the body is getting rid of more toxins than can be comfortably excreted or eliminated in the given time. These may include headaches, fever, itching, and other symptoms. To avoid or reduce these symptoms, simply use less product.

·        While many problems are reported as disappearing quickly, others can take days, weeks, or months. Don’t be quick to give up on the products! Every person is unique.

·        Many of the recommendations boil down to this: Bathe with soap and Neutralizer, soaking in it for 20-30 minutes, at least three times a week; and drink 7 drops of Neutralizer in your favorite beverage morning and evening. This cleanses, detoxifies, and relaxes your body, balances your body’s pH level, and strengthens your immune system. Then the body can repair itself, the way God intended.


For best use of this list, use the “Find” function of your browser to search for key words of interest.


ACHES & PAINS – Use Miracle II Soap to shower or bath, then spray or rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on painful areas. Massage areas with Miracle II Laundry Ball.

ACNE PROBLEMS - Use Miracle II Soap to wash face, rinse, then spray or rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on face and let dry. Repeat this morning and night for one month and notice how beautiful your complexion becomes. These products pull toxins out of the skin.


ADRENALS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


AIDS – Put 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in orange juice every morning and night and drink.


AFTER SHAVE LOTION – Use Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on face. If your skin is dry, use Miracle II Skin Moisturizer.


AGE SPOTS - Use Miracle II Soap to wash face, then apply a drop of the Soap or Neutralizer Gel on each dark spot and let dry. Do at least once a day. Many claim this gives great results in 90 days.

ALLERGIES – Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, then spray Neutralizer Liquid in nose. Put 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night and drink daily. Many hundreds of people claim this has solved their problem.

ALZHEIMER'S - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, then put 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night and drink daily.

ARTHRITIS - Use Miracle II Soap to shower or bathe, then spray or rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on painful areas, then put 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water and drink daily. Exercise and praise the Lord.

ATHLETE'S FOOT - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, then spray or rub Neutralizer Gel on feet and let dry before putting socks and shoes on. As long as you use these products, you will never have this problem again. Solves all odor problems.

AUTOS & TRUCKS - Use about 1 ounce Miracle II Soap from the bottle in a 5 gallon bucket. It will make the paint shine and you will get a skin treatment.

BATH AND SHOWER SOAP – Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, put a few drops to wash cloth or hand, let foam stay on skin a little longer the first few times. Notice how good your skin looks and feels after a month!

BED SORES – Bathe with Miracle II Soap, dry off, then spray or rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on troubled areas and let dry.

BEE MITES – Spray bees, then both inside and outside of the hive with Neutralizer Liquid. This report is from
Saudi Arabia.


BILE DUCT - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


BLOOD - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

BODY ODOR - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, dry off, then use Neutralizer Liquid or Gel all over. Use Neutralizer Liquid to moisturize arm pits and use Deodorant Stone daily. Works incredibly well!


BREAST - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


BRONCHITIS – Use Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in vaporizer.

BURNS, CUTS, SCRATCHES – Spray or submerge areas in the Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid or Gel until the pain stops. For large burns, wrap area in clean towel and keep this soaked with Miracle II Neutralizer Gel for several hours. Users report healing happens with no scars or blisters.

BRUISES - Rub Miracle II Neutralizer Gel on bruise.

CANCER - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, then spray Neutralizer Liquid in nose. Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.

CANDIDA ALBICANS – Use the Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in 50/50 solution of water. Use as a douche, spray on affected area, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily until results are achieved. Rejoice in the Glory of God.

CATARACTS - Use the Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in eye-cup, and use until you get results.

CELLULITE - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then use Neutralizer Liquid or Gel, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily until results are achieved.


CEREBELLUM - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


CEREBRAL SPINAL FLUID - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


CHEMICAL POISONING - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

CHICKEN POX – After the peak breaking-out period, bathe the child with Miracle II Soap, then use Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on all affected areas.


CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

CITRUS TREE BLIGHT - Spray Neutralizer on trees. Try this on any tree, bush, flower or garden plants. Add 2 ounces of Neutralizer per gallon of water, apply every 7 days for supernatural growth and production.

COLIC – Put 3 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in each bottle of baby formula or water. Rejoice and give the Glory to God.

CONTACT LENS – Spray or soak with Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid.

CHOLESTEROL - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

CROHN'S DISEASE - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS - Use Miracle II Soap with mop, steam foam machine or sprayer for total cleaning and deodorizing. Use 1 to 10 ounces per gallon of water, depending on application.

COMMON COLDS – When you feel a cold starting, spray Miracle II Neutralizer in the nose and let it saturate your sinuses. Do this every 15 minutes until you get results. Thousands exclaim, "No more colds for me!" Rejoice and give the Glory to God.

CONSTIPATION - Drink one tablespoon of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


CORNEA - Put 2 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in eye for irritation, put 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


CORONARY ARTERY - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

CRACKED SKIN PROBLEMS – HANDS, FEET, ELBOWS, KNEES - Wash with Miracle II Moisturizing Soap, then spray or rub with Neutralizer Liquid or Gel, and use Miracle II Skin Moisturizer.


DANDRUFF - Shampoo with Miracle II Soap, then rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel into scalp, may use Miracle II Skin Moisturizer on dry scalp.

DENTURE HOT SPOTS – Place enough Miracle II Neutralizer in mouth to cover all areas affected and hold in mouth as long as possible.

Wash area with Miracle II Soap, let foam stay on the area for at least one minute, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel and let dry. Repeat morning and night for one month. Rejoice and give the Glory to God.

DIAPER RASH – Bathe baby with Miracle II Soap, dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel and let dry. In most cases, it will heal over night, and you will have a happy baby!

DOGS, CATS, HORSES – People report Miracle II Soap works great on animals.

DOUCHE – Put 2 ounces of Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid with distilled water in douche bag. Immediate results.

DRY SKIN - Use 1/3 Miracle II Moisturizing Soap and 2/3 Miracle Neutralizer instead of the regular mix, or mix 1 ounce of Miracle II Moisturizer in a bottle of Miracle II Moisturizing Soap.


DUODENUM - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

EAR ACHE – Drop Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in ear, and give the glory to God. Immediate results.


EAR YEAST INFECTION - Put 3 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in ear and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

ENEMA – Use 1/8 ounce of Miracle II Soap, and 2 ounces of Neutralizer Liquid in one quart of distilled water. Works great!

ENERGY - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


ENVIRONMENTAL - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


ESOPHAGUS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


EUSTACHIAN DEAFNESS -  Put 3 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in ear and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

EYE WASH AND LUBRICATION - Use Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid for eye wash.

FARM AND RANCH APPLICATIONS- . Use 1 to 6 ounces per gallon of water for cleanups or spraying. Use 4 ounces of Miracle II Soap and Neutralizer in approximately 23 gallons of water per acre for plant growth.

FEVER BLISTERS - As soon as you feel blister forming, apply Miracle II Neutralizer Gel. If possible, soak paper towel or cotton in Miracle II Neutralizer Gel then put between the lips and leave on until you get results.

FIRE ANTS: Many people have reported that they use their bath water to kill fire ants and all other insects in their house and yard and garden. Never before have you been able to get so much in a product!

FLEAS AND TICKS - Shampoo dog and cat with Miracle II Soap, rinse, spray on Neutralizer and let dry. You will never use anything else. It will not hurt their eyes. Heals rashes, and cuts on dogs, cats and horses. Animals will love it!

FOOT ODOR - Wash with Miracle II Soap, then spray or rub feet with Neutralizer Liquid or Gel.

FINGERNAIL FUNGUS - Place Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in large mouth jar, and soak nails in it for a few minutes each day, then replace the cap on the jar. You can use this liquid over and over. It will take from
3 to 6 months, but it is worth the time.

GALLBLADDER - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily. If your stomach is upset after a meal, swallow a small amount of Neutralizer.

GINGIVITIS – Brush teeth with 1 drop of Miracle II Soap plus 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer. Swish and rinse mouth with Neutralizer after brushing.

GOUT - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, rub Miracle II Neutralizer on area, then drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

GULF WAR ILLNESS - Use Miracle II Products as you would for Ryden’s Syndrome.

HAIR SHAMPOO - Use Miracle II Moisturizing Soap, and let foam stay on hair a little longer than normal. Your hair and scalp will feel and look beautiful. Reported by many to stop hair loss and dandruff.

HAIR CONDITIONER - Use Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid or Gel, or use a small amount of Moisturizer in wet hair, whichever is best for you.

HAIR SPRAY - Put Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on hair, then comb or blow dry. Works for a lot of people.

HEAD LICE – Shampoo with Miracle II Soap, at least twice a day. After each shampoo, work in Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid or Gel. Great results have been reported.


HEART - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


HEMOGLOBIN - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

HEMORRHOIDS - Bathe with Miracle II Moisturizing Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to affected area until you get results. All have said that it stopped the burning and itching and facilitated healing.

HERPES, ULCERS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to troubled area. Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily. Many say this works a miracle for them.

HEAVY CLEANING - Add 4 ounces of Miracle II Soap and 4 ounces of Neutralizer to 32-ounce spray bottle of water. Works on floors, grease traps, drains, pots, pans, dishes hands, skins, ovens, glass fireplace doors, white sidewall tires, bad carpet stains, holding tanks on campers, clothes, wax stripper, steam cleaning, oil on carports, crazy glue cleanup.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

HIVES - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

HYPERACTIVITY - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

INDIGESTION – Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water.

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - All cleanups in fresh or salt water. Use in steam cleaner or wash. For oil dispersal and cleanups, use 1 to 10 ounces per gallon of water.

INSECTS (Wasps, Roaches, Spiders, Water Bugs, Bees) - Put 1 ounce Miracle II Soap in a trigger sprayer with water. Spray insects. Everyone has reported great results. Everyone that uses Miracle II in a total cleanup said they stopped having bug problems in 30 days.

INSECT BITES – Spray or rub Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to bite area. If you will apply the Neutralizer before going outside, in most cases, the bugs will not bite you. Great for kids.


INTESTINAL FLORA - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

JOCK ITCH - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to troubled area.

LIGHT CLEANING - Use 1/8 ounce of Miracle II Soap in 32 ounce spray bottle of water. Use on glass, mirrors, countertops, stainless steel, refrigerators, fiberglass, leathers and plastic.

LIVER & KIDNEY CLEANSER - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water daily.


LUNG - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

LUBRICATING GEL - Use Neutralizer Gel.

LYMPHOMA-FOLLICULAR CANCER - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.

LYME DISEASE & LUPUS - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on skin, drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night.

MAKE-UP REMOVER – Wet face with water, use Miracle II Soap on cloth or hands. Apply Neutralizer Gel and let dry before applying makeup. Many ladies use Moisturizing Lotion under makeup. Your complexion will be beautiful. People will ask what you are doing different! Tell them and give the glory to God!


MASTER BRAIN - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


MASTER HORMONE - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

MEDIUM CLEANING – Put 2 ounces of Miracle II Soap in a 32-ounce spray bottle of water. Dishes, floors, bathrooms, tile, cabinets, paneling, refrigerator, skin, carpet, spot remover, upholstery, stainless steel, fiberglass, automobile, mildew, soot on brick and stone.


MENIERE'S SYNDROME - Put 3 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in ear, bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

MOUTH ULCERS – Put enough Neutralizer Liquid or Gel in mouth to cover all affected areas. Hold in mouth as long as possible, then swallow. This will neutralize the acid that is causing the trouble.

NATURAL CONTROL FOR GERMS AND INSECTS - Use 1 to 6 ounces Miracle II Soap per gallon of water.


NERVE DEAFNESS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

NOSE BLEEDFor instant relief, spray Neutralizer in nose.

Wash with Miracle II Soap, then apply Neutralizer and leave on. Use Thai Deodorant Stone moistened by Neutralizer Liquid on applicable areas, like feet and underarms.


OVARIES - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

PANCREAS - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day until you get results.

PARASITES - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water every morning and night. Also use Soap and Neutralizer in enemas. Will make your body a hostile environment for these pests, and make you more resistant to infection.


PAROTIS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


PINEAL GLAND - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


PINK EYEWash eyes with Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid. Will give relief from pain quickly.


PITUITARY - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

POISON IVY OR OAK - Apply Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid or Gel as soon as possible, and let dry. Apply in advance if you are going into an area known for having these plants, so you won’t have trouble.

PROSTATE - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


PSORIASIS – Prepare bath by pouring in 1 ounce of Miracle II Soap and 2 ounces of Neutralizer Liquid while the water is running, and soak in this for the first few baths. Apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to affected area and let dry. Itching will stop. Apply Neutralizer on skin several times a day. Use Miracle II Moisturizer Lotion if skin is very dry. Use for 90 days. Great results reported.


PUS -  Wash with Miracle II Soap, dry off, then apply Neutralizer to affected area and leave on.

Wash with Miracle II Soap, dry off, then apply Neutralizer to affected area and leave on. Rash will leave quickly.

RESIDENTIAL USES - Everything that needs cleaning and deodorizing inside and outside.


RETINA - Use Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid for eye wash.

RYDER'S SYNDROME - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on rash area, drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.

SHAVING SOAP - Use Miracle II Moisturizing Soap as foam. It will soften your skin! If you nick yourself while shaving, apply Neutralizer Gel and it will heal fast. Use Neutralizer Gel as after-shave. You’ll love it!

SHINGLES - Shower or bathe with Miracle II Soap, apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on rash area. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.

SHOE ODORS – Spray shoes with Neutralizer Liquid. Soak them if odor is really bad. You don’t have to let them dry; just put them on.

SKIN CANCER & PSORIASIS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to troubled area. If skin is dry, use Miracle II Moisturizer. Hundreds have reported total healing.

SINUS – Spray Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in nose. This will dry the drainage quickly.

SNAKE OR SPIDER BITES – Force Miracle II Neutralizer into bite within 30 seconds.

SORE THROAT – Gargle with Miracle II Neutralizer.


SPLEEN - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

SPOTTED OR DISCOLORED SKIN - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to troubled area. Many report their skin is back to normal in 90 days or less.

SPOTS ON CLOTHES : Apply Miracle II Soap straight and let stand for 2 hours before you put into washing machine. Use from 1/2 to 1 ounce of Miracle II Soap in machine. If the spot is on something you are wearing, spray the spot and towel off. It will not burn the skin.


STAPH - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

STOMACH ULCERS & ACID PROBLEMS - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day, especially at onset of symptoms. May choose to swallow a spoonful of Miracle II Neutralizer Gel for added effectiveness. All have had great results with this.


STREP - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

STRETCH MARKS & SCARS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on affected area. Many report great results in 90 days.

STRONG HOUSEHOLD ODORS – Put sprayer nozzle on bottle of Neutralizer and spray on strong odors such as foot skin, fish, seafood, onion, garlic, dog/cat, refrigerators, bathrooms, hunting clothes, holding tanks on bass boats and campers, odors in carpets -- and leave it on. Not an odor cover-up!

STYES - Use Neutralizer Liquid as eye drops on affected eye.

SUNBURN - Apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on the sunburn area as often as needed. It will stop the pain quickly and promote healing. This will also serve as a sunblock. Will help you achieve an even tan.

TEETH & SENSITIVE MOUTH PROBLEMS – Brush teeth with Neutralizer Gel to remove tartar, stains and plaque. For dentures, soak in Neutralizer Liquid. You will love it!

T-CELL BOOSTER - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day.


TESTICLES - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


TIRED FEET - apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel on feet. People report happy feet all day!

THYROID PROBLEMS - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.

TOXEMIA - Drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day. Ask God to keep your nervous system in perfect balance.


TOXIC BOWEL - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.

TUMORS - Apply Neutralizer Gel on the area.

TO STOP SMOKING - Spray Neutralizer Liquid in mouth every time you want to smoke. People report not wanting to smoke after doing this for 7 days.

TAG WARTS ON SKIN - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, then dry, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to the tag warts. Do this until they drop off.

UNDERARM DEODORANT - Use Thai Deodorant Stone moistened by Neutralizer Liquid on underarms.


UTERUS - Bathe with Miracle II Soap, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily.


VAGINAL TRACT - Use the Miracle II Neutralizer Liquid in 50/50 solution of water. Use as a douche, spray on affected area, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in milk, juice, or water daily until results are achieved.

VARICOSE VEINS – Wrap area with towel and soak with warm Neutralizer Liquid or Gel until you get results.

WARTS AND MOLES - Apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel to warts or moles. Soak a piece of cotton or paper towel with Neutralizer or Soap and tape over wart or mole. Time required to achieve results can be from a few days or weeks.

WASHING CLOTHES - Use 3/4 to 1 ounce of Soap. To soften and deodorize; add 1 ounce of Neutralizer Liquid.

WEIGHT LOSS – Pray and ask God if this is what He wants you to do. Drink 1/2 ounce of Neutralizer in orange juice each morning to help you lose weight without starving yourself. Give the glory to God.

WRINKLES - Bathe or shower with Miracle II Soap, then apply Neutralizer Liquid or Gel, then use the Skin Moisturizer. In 90 days, you will look fabulous. This is a spiritual facelift. Give the glory to God.

YEAST INFECTION – Make a solution of 50% Neutralizer Liquid in water, then use a douche, and apply to infected area, and drink 7 drops of Miracle II Neutralizer in water every day until results are achieved.



Say goodbye to toxic household cleaners!


Thousands of people say that one bottle of Miracle II Soap will make one of these or a combination of all:


1. 384 gallons of glass cleaner
2 gallons of dishwashing soap
3. 50 gallons of car or truck wash
4. 22-35 loads of clothes wash
5. 50 gallons of carpet cleaner
2 gallons oven cleaner or carport cleaner
50 quart bottles of spot cleaner
50 gallons of fire-ant or wasp spray
9. 50 gallons of garden spray
10. 50 shampoos for your dog or cat

House Cleaning Instructions  -  Cleaner,  Degreaser


Light cleaning:  Use this on glass, mirrors, countertops, stainless steel, refrigerators, fiberglass, leathers and plastics. 

Add  1/8 oz to 32-oz spray bottle of water.
Note:  Add water slowly


Medium cleaning:  Use on dishes, floors, bathrooms, tile, cabinets, paneling, refrigerators, skin, hair, carpet, upholstery spots, stainless steel, fiberglass, automobile, mildew, soot on brick and stone.

Add 4 oz to 32-oz spray bottle of water.


Heavy cleaning:  Use on floors, grease traps, drains, pots, pans, dishes, ovens, fireplace, tires, carpet stains, clothes, wax, carport oil, crazy glue.

Add 4 oz to 32-oz spray bottle of water.



Nothing on this Website is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical problems or medical conditions. Information on this site is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.