Joel's Miracle II Blog

Thursday, February 27, 2003
From a naturopathic physician

I was asked by a friend to sample the Miracle products. I was less than enthusiastic because I continually get bombarded with products that don't live up to the claims made about them.

I reluctantly agreed because the lady who shared them with me is a sweet, dear friend.

I was out on the road with one of my associates teaching seminars for a week and we decided to test the products together. Both of us watch very carefully what we eat in order to maintain a pH balance. This week we agreed to eat the Standard American Diet of fast foods. We even ate some chocolate covered doughnuts, drank some Coke and some coffee.

We were both able to maintain a pH of 7.0 by drinking just one capful of Neutralizer each day.

To say the least, we were both excited! I now refer to this product as "pH First Aid."

I did another test that was equally as remarkable. I took an apple and sprayed it with furniture polish and rubbed it in thoroughly. Furniture polish has some very dangerous chemicals like phenols and benzene.

I have some high-tech equipment for testing toxicity and the apple tested very toxic.

I then put the apple in a bowl of water to which I added some Miracle II Soap.

I left the apple in the water for 5 minutes after which could see the ash from the chemicals in the bottom of the bowl. I tested the apple again for toxicity and it tested normal.

Phillip R. Landis ND, President of Utah Naturopathic Medical Association

Monday, February 24, 2003
A bunch of brief testimonials from Pat Berg
Hi everyone, just received these stories and thought I'd share them with you - Pat


Sarah and I are enjoying the Miracle II products very much and are already spreading the word.

I have a testimonial already. I went in to the dentist to have two old fillings repaired. They were two wisdom teeth, so I had my mouth open very wide for quite a while during this procedure. Also, of course, there was the factor of the numbing gel & injections.

As soon as I left their office, I sprayed Neutralizer in my mouth, swishing it around and leaving it there as long as possible. I massaged Neutralizer gel on my cheeks, jaw, behind the ear, etc. I repeated this hourly or so a few times.

I had none of the typical after effects you'd expect after this ordeal - no dull aches, soreness, sensitivity, etc. I could just barely tell I had been through that procedure.


"I added a half ounce of Neutralizer to my water every day and after about thirty days I felt my clothes getting loose. I had put some outfits on lay-away and when I went to purchase them I had to get a smaller size!

I have always had trouble losing weight, but I am losing and not changing my diet one bit."

Vicki Bland, LPN


"I noticed a small infected area around my pierced belly button. The next day, after having applied gel to the area, the infection was gone!"

Victoria Lutz, Charlotte, N.C.


"I woke up with a throbbing earache so I put a few drops of the Neutralizer in my ear. By morning the pain was totally gone!"

Jeffrey Taylor, Atlanta, GA


"I had a severe burn on my arm and it has healed completely without a scar after using the Miracle gel on it. It healed so quickly I couldn't believe it! Also, after sunbathing with the Miracle gel I realized it must have an SPF of about 20."

Arden Conard, Atlanta, GA


"My baby had a terrible rash on his buttocks. I had tried many different products to get rid of it but the Miracle gel healed the rash after two or three days of applying!"

Rhonda Hoke, RN