Joel's Miracle II Blog

Saturday, November 23, 2002
Years-old grape juice stains come out of upholstery
It AMAZED me so much I just have to share it with you. I told you I got rid of all my household cleaners...

I took some spray bottles and mixed them with left over M2 bath water and an ounce of green soap, to see how that worked (experimenting). One bottle holds 25 ounces and the other is about half that size...Well, I took the little bottle (more concentrated) and there was a grape juice stain on the footrest of the Lazy-boy recliner. One of the kids spilled grape juice--YEARS AGO - NOT recently!!!--on the footrest while Kenny was reclining...By the time I saw it I knew it was a solid stain that would not come out! So - it sat, and sat and sat.

Now years later--I am NOT exaggerating--I decide to put the M2 soap to a MAJOR test...fully expecting it to fail. I sprayed--and the first stain disappeared, before I could even rub it!!

I was SHOCKED - I had to rub one of the stains a little bit, but almost all the stains came out with just spraying the M2 mixture on the stain! NOW that is truly amazing!! YEARS-OLD GRAPE JUICE

Next I am going to try my rug (carpet) I have these stains that no matter what you scrub the rug with, the stains come back up to the surface a few days later - the longest it ever stayed clean was a few months! My nephew just scrubbed the carpet Tuesday and the stains are coming back up today. I want to show him the stains first - then try the M2 on them. Then maybe he will try using the machine with the M2 in it like I suggested in the first place!! (Ha! Ha!)

WOW - Huh?!

Love, Bonnie

Thursday, November 21, 2002
Itching, bleeding ears
I have had itching ears ever since a procedure was done on them 30 years ago. Steroidal creams helped--but definitely did not solve the problem.

Since being introduced to Miracle 2, I have been using both the gel and the lotion to try and deal with the extreme itching that sometimes leads to my ears bleeding. There was not much relief over the last month, and of course I have been taking it internally and taking the bath/soaks.

I was just about to go back to the steroidal creams when I tried one more thing. I just tried using straight Miracle 2 soap on the end of a cotton swab. IT WORKED! This relief means everything.

Barbara Hartley
Crown Point, IN

Pat comments: This story shows how we need to have patience--and to listen to that little voice telling us to try something else or use it another way.

Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Moles and blackheads gone
December 14, 2001

To Whom It May Concern:

In September, I purchased my first order of Miracle II products. I also made an order as a gift for a sister of mine.

I am writing to let you know what has happened since I started using the products.

1. I have an excessive number of moles on my face, neck, and upper body. Some small ones have fallen off; larger ones have changed colors (for the better) or flattened.

2. I had many blackheads and whiteheads on my face. They have decreased significantly; one sizeable blackhead on my left cheek is presently leaving. I have worked on it for years, and was about to go to a dermatologist to have it lasered. Now there�s no need to do so.

3. I have what are termed cholesterol deposits under and above each eye. They are gradually reducing or fading.

It is my hope and prayer that all of the moles and blackheads will go away completely.

Nedra Johnson

Flu, vision loss, lung congestion, high blood-pressure, sinus pain, headache, knee think YOU've got troubles?
On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, I purchased a bottle of Miracle II Neutralizer from Donald Mantell, M.D. of Sarver, PA. The previous Saturday, he had told me about the product and its successful use for a great many ailments.

Since I was suffering from a bad case of the flu that just wouldn�t let go, I was desperate. My health had deteriorated as a consequence. In particular, my lungs were ready to shut down. The same day I purchased the Neutralizer, I was gasping for air�about ready for the hospital emergency room and an oxygen treatment.

I took a capful of the Neutralizer and immediately my vision became clearer, and in about half an hour, I noticed a slight improvement in my breathing.

My blood pressure had been 201/109. It dropped to 147/79, and has maintained that level for the past two days.

I drank an additional 7 drops in water, and my breathing improved even more. Within four hours, my breathing improved 90%. No need for the hospital now; this is terrific!

We received an added bonus when my wife came home from work at 5:30 PM. Her headache and sinus pain were obvious; she rubbed the drops on her forehead and sinus areas. Her left knee is out of place, and she had been in constant pain with that, so she rubbed the drops on it.

The pain eased, and as she continued drinking the drops in water for the past two days, she is able to walk without the terrible pain that she had had. She�s a hard sell on alternative medicine; perhaps not so much now.

For the past 25 years, ill health, along with bad luck, has plagued me. Early this year, two doctors said, �You don�t have long to live; all your bodily functions are shutting down.� (Glad they were wrong!)

After the second doctor said that, though, I began to pray�something I had previously considered a waste of are an answer to my prayers.

Miracles still happen! Praise and thank you, Jesus....Thank you, Dr. Mantell, and thank you Mr. Clayton Tedeton. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Carole and Thomas Kern

Dog's cancer healed
February, 2002

Dr. Mantell,

Thank you for introducing me to Miracle II products. I purchased the products to clean in my home and dog-grooming shop. Much to my surprise, Miracle II did indeed create a �miracle.�

Mandie, a sweet little shihtzu, was scheduled for an evening appointment without any other clients in the shop. Much to my dismay, when she came in the door I was told this would be her last grooming, as she was full of cancer. The owner asked if I would make her pretty so she would look nice when they buried her.

With tears in my eyes, I carefully clipped this thin, lethargic little dog. When I put her in the tub, she laid on her side, too tired to stand. I bathed her side with half [a cap] of Miracle II soap and half [a cap] of Miracle II Neutralizer, diluted in 16 ounces of water.

I turned Mandie over to lather her other side and she stood up! Her energy returned and she danced in the tub, as she normally does. So I decided to place her in a cage dryer, so she could rest. She danced from side to side in the pen, as was normal for her.

Then, I decided the owner was not telling the truth about Mandie�s health. When he walked in the shop, he asked what I did to perk Mandie up. Well, I told him about Miracle II. So we proceeded to give Mandie a big squirt of Neutralizer in her mouth, and they left the shop.

About 15 minutes later, the phone rang, and a woman said, �What did you do to my dog?� I was thinking, �Oh, no! It killed her dog; now what?� Then she said that Mandie had hopped out of the car, run up the steps, then ran into the house directly to her food and water bowls, and ate.

This was the dog that had had to be carried everywhere and would not eat for two weeks!

The owner came back and bought all the Neutralizer I had. They later moved to Florida. Their daughter told me the other day that Mandie is still very much alive. Miracles never cease.

Roberta Bennett

Carl Robertson's cataracts gone
Dear Dr. Mantell,

Two months ago an ophthalmologist examined my eyes and quickly recommended surgery for �mature cataracts.� I signed the pre-op forms and began counting days until the surgery.

So I began putting 2 drops [of Neutralizer] into each eye twice a day, for three weeks.

Yesterday, my regular optometrist examined me solely for cataracts, and said that they were so small that I had nothing to be concerned about for the next 30 years!

So I humbly and happily thank you, Don, and Anthony Mula, and everyone at Miracle II.

Very sincerely,
Carl Robertson
New Castle, PA

Dr. Mantell writes about the healing of a burn
JAMA Medical Clinic
Donald J. Mantell, M.D.
589 Ekastown Road
Sarver, PA 16955

Dear Tony,

I am writing this letter in order to tell you how grateful I am for discovering the Miracle II products, not only for my patients, but also for myself.

As you know, I went through a major move with my personal residence this past weekend. I incurred a nasty brush burn on my left wrist from the edge of a cardboard box during the move. It became infected and very red, elevated, and angry looking. When this situation has happened in the past, I�ve needed to use antibiotics; the infection usually took 10 to 14 days to clear up.

This time, I sprayed my wrist with the Neutralizer and saturated a piece of gauze with the Neutralizer. I then taped the gauze to my wrist. I did this two nights in a row while I slept.

Amazingly, in two days, the angry, red, elevated infected areas were completely gone, and in their place a small scab formed, which then healed up. Truly a miracle.

In addition, after the second consecutive day of moving boxers, some quite heave, I could barely bend over. My back, arms, and neck ached terribly. I took a bath with the Miracle II soap and Neutralizer. The next morning, I felt rejuvenated, with not an ache or pain. Another miracle!

Lastly, with all the moving I couldn�t locate my Miracle II gel, so i couldn�t brush my teeth with it. After three days, I couldn�t wait to get to the office to get some more gel. I could really tell the difference with my teeth and gums. My teeth did not feel really clean until I brushed with the Gel, the Neutralizer, and a drop of the Soap. The Miracle II products are truly miraculous!

My personal life and my medical practice have taken a dramatic turn for the better since I was introduced to the Miracle II products, a little over six weeks ago.

After 20 years in a holistic medical practice, I finally feel that I have found a product and a company that I can put my mind, heart, and soul into.

Thank you, Tony, for your dedication in this mission of getting the word out on the Miracle II story. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call or write me.


Donald J. Mantell, M.D.
December 13, 2001